A few of our team members were lucky enough to be hosted by Brendan Cotter and Delaney Riley at Bentley Mills yesterday in their City of Industry factory.
The team learned all about the process of tufting, applying carpet backing, threading the yarn to create the patterns, and coating. They got to see the difference between solution-died material and piece-died material for themselves.
Did you know that Bentley uses the best fiber in the industry with Universal (Type 6.6), and Aqua Fill (Type 6)? They purchase the high quality fiber instead of making it in house.
Our team reviewed Trilobal and Modified Trilobal fibers which Bentley uses for a lower mod ratio which creates stronger fibers for a more sustainable product.
Bentley leads the way in sustainability and their efficiency has continued to improve regarding water use and recycled materials.
In addition, the team reviewed the testing methods they use prior to releasing materials including TARR (testing appearance retention rating) and flammability testing for carpet which Bentley has a guarantee Class A grade.
Having a world class carpet manufacturer in our backyard offers a unique service to our customers and our salespeople - thank you Brendan and Delaney for the opportunity to learn firsthand about the manufacturing side of the products we install every day!